I Resolve the following:
To stop buying "Newman's Own" anything. I'm disappointed when I do. I regret buying Newman's products. "Newman's Own Ranch Dressing" tastes like runny mayonnaise. "Newman's Own All Natural Chunky Salsa" is ostensibly hot, but is sugary and tastes like spicy ketchup.
To figure out what to do about all the ants that are overrunning my apartment. I now live in an English basement here in DC and there are always ants crawling about. I eat a sandwich in the evening and by morning ants are crawling all over the bread crumbs. The ants are continually trolling along the ceramic tile floor. Perhaps I should be thankful that I don't have the giant cockroaches that are hanging around outside. But I'm sick of the ants and I don't want to kill them, but I'm not sure what else to do.
To come up with a T.O.E. A recent article in The New Yorker profiled Garrett Lisi who is working on a T.O.E.—shorthand for a theory of everything. It is the holy grail of physics. My T.O.E. may be lacking the math that bridges the chasm between quantum physics and general relativity, but it will explain truth and beauty, the electoral college, and the reason that Paris Hilton is famous.
To write more. I haven't been doing much personal writing these days. I haven't done any journaling since last August. Partially this is because I was busy with school and if I start again I have so much I need to write. I should just write because it's the right thing to do, but I can't. In the meantime I'm going to try and blog more.
To take more pictures with my camera. I would like this here blog to have pictures, so it is more than just words and text. My cell phone has a camera, but it takes cell phone quality pictures. Last Saturday I was walking around DC's Chinatown when I saw the magician David Blaine doing a magic trick on the street corner. I took a picture with my phone, but the quality underwhelms me. Yesterday Laura and I went to the national zoo. I'd love to have a nice picture of the giant pandas, the sloth bear, or the red pandas, but I didn't even bother to whip out my phone. It wouldn't have been worth the trouble. I also could be taking pictures of the national mall, which I have been to many a time.
11 years ago
Response to each:
1. Very easy to do, and I commend you for asserting your dislike even though Paul Newman is rad.
2. I recommend taking out all trash and recycling every night, which is easy to do since the garbage can is right outside your door. Also doing a 10-minute kitchen cleanup every night before bed. And you know I think you should keep all things in airtight containers or in the fridge.
3. I have no idea how to achieve a T.O.E., but I am skeptical of the whole notion. Perhaps my skepticism of T.O.E.s reveals my particular T.O.E.
4. I think writing is a great idea. But I'm not sure about this "right thing to do" business. Why not write because you want to and not because you should?
5. I wish you would take more pictures with your camera. I think this would be facilitated by your getting yourself a man purse. You would just leave the camera in there and always have it handy. You obviously need to take more pictures of me.
I enjoy your dislike of Paul Newman. Erika used to peel the face off the Newman salad dressing when we were kids because she would have nightmares about him. I also think a man purse would be very stylish for a go-getting law-meister like yourself.
Devan, Thanks so much for joining me on the "Natti needs a man purse" front!
I prefer the "Man Bag" designation in lieu of "purse."
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